Sunday, May 8, 2011


Each day I check to see if someone has added a new update to their blogs. I always look forward to seeing what new fun Maddie has been having with her grandparents or to seeing what Dennis's former ball players are doing as mothers. His former players and Savannah's friends have such cute children, and all these girls are wonderful mothers. I can tell by their stories and pictures.
I just realized that I have not updated our blog, so that is what I'm doing. Specifically, I want to give an update of Dennis's health. Dennis finished his treatments early about three weeks ago. He had blood work and a scan two weeks ago, and both came back cancer free. He has been working for two weeks now with a break due to the tornado that devastated Tuscaloosa. Although he is no longer taking treatments, he is still extremely tired. It is very frustrating for him because he wants to get out and help our community. Actually, he has helped several times, but it is extremely hard for him to bounce back and go to work. SO, I've suggested that he and I wait a few weeks when helpers from out of town are not as many. We can then work, and hopefully, he will have more energy back.
Speaking of the tornado--Parker has called every day since the 27th. He actually called during the storm as he was watching it by router through our television. We know that he wants to be home so badly. One of his friends, Colby, is the Associate Pastor/Youth Minister at Alberta Baptist which was demolished. A group from this church also went to Paris to work with Parker, so I know he wants to be here helping them.
Savannah and Jason have worked several times since the tornado--Jason more than Savannah because Libby was sick, and she did not want to leave her--even with me. Savannah teaches at Holt, and that area was one of the worst hit areas. She volunteered there several times in the Holt High Gym where they set up emergency help.
I didn't mean for this blog to be about the tornado, but it has had such an impact on our community. I have never seen so much love, faith, and empathy as I have in the last two weeks. I was so proud when the national government said that Tuscaloosa did in one week what it took New Orleans six months to do. Sweet Home Alabama. What an awesome place to live and what awesome people who reside here!

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