Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day

Fun in the sun was our plan for the day. Momma and Daddy got here first, and after telling Daddy about the bird that attacked me while putting out cushions, etc. by the pool, he decided to go check them out. What did he find? Under a crepe myrtle in the far corner of the yard, a young family was trying to fly. While the little ones were hopping around and trying their wings, mom and dad were VIGILANTLY protecting their little ones. Daddy was actually attacked and had to raise his arms in defense.

Here is a picture of the family working hard. If you look close, you can see one of the little ones hiding in the trunk of the tree.

Next to arrive were Jason, Savannah, and Libby. Libby had a rather nasty looking rash on her thigh. It had blisters and was red but did not seem to hurt or itch. We decided, however, to take her to the nearby clinic while Jason started the ribs and burgers. Libby is now on steroids for an allergic reaction. We have no clue to what---no change in food, detergent, etc., but since allergies tend to abound in our kids, it is not unexpected.

When Savannah, Libby, and I got home Jeremy and Cheri had arrived, and the food was ready. So, we sat down to a delicious meal of ribs and burgers prepared by Jason. I also tried a new homemade ice cream recipe that was awesome!

After we were all stuffed, we got Libby down for a nap and hit the pool. Dennis still has his port, and until he gets it removed, he cannot get in the pool. When Libby woke, we let her play in her own pool.

While she enjoyed the pool, she still wanted to help Gran "weed" the flowers.

One of the best toys that I got this year was a bubble maker from CVS. This was the first time she was actually interested in the bubbles, playing with them and trying to catch them.

Before we went in for the day, we decided to see how Libby would like the big pool. She didn't seem afraid of it nor was she anxious to get in. We will work on that this summer.

While we had a good time with famiy, we also remembered those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country and for those still actively serving in our armed forces.
Knowing friends who have lost loved ones brings it closer to home.

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