Monday, January 3, 2011

Windle Christmas

Our final round of Christmas took place at Emily and Buddy's home on Monday, December 27. Usually, we forgo turkey and dressing for spaghetti, but since Parker was home, we decided to do turkey and dressing with all the "fixins". While this is a Windle family Christmas celebration, extended family members are also included, so it makes for a merry bunch. We thought everyone but Leigh Ann would be able to come, but Ann was sick, so Ralph, Jr. stayed home with her. Because they did not come, Nell did not come either. (Leigh Ann remarried and is living in England.)

The usual gathering place for the younger generation is the stairway. Here they catch up on the past year as most of them see each other only at Christmas and sometimes on Thanksgiving. For Parker it was a three year catch up.

As usual, we had more than enough to eat, and Emily had a place for all of us to sit. She goes all out with Christmas china, silverware, glasses, etc. It is part of our holiday tradition. This year Dennis and I got to sit at the big table (where the "older" folks sit) since Ralph, Ann, and Nell were not there.

The kids are in the living room at card tables which Emily had also decorated with the works.

Libby was the newest addition to our family, and I guess the next generation. She had a wonderful time entertaining everyone, but when it came nap time, it was hard to find a quiet place. Savannah went upstairs where there was a rocker, but she decided the antique rocker was too fragile for her and Libby. So, she sat at the top of the stairs and "rocked" her to sleep.

After eating, we all settled in the living room and eyed the Dirty Santa gifts. For some reason, Buddy always chooses the best gifts and fusses about each one. He picked an iTunes card which was stolen, a Tervis Alabama glass which was stolen, and a beautiful Alabama throw which was stolen. He ended up with house shoes which he stole from someone else. Dennis picked an oven liner early in the game (you can imagine how much he was looking forward to using it). Sweet Amy eventually stole it from him claiming that she really wanted it (really?), so Dennis was able to steal a tool set from Keith. Dirty Santa is always so much fun, and we never know what will be in the pile of gifts. I think this year was one of our best.

Another year has come and gone. There has been an addition to our family and some serious health issues. Whatever the situation, we know that the Lord has his hand on us. We are looking forward to the wonderful things that He has for our family this year and are praying that Parker coming home for good in October is on the list.

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