Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hot Diggity Dog!

Saturday night, Savannah and Jason had a Sunday School party, so Gran and Coach got to keep Libby. As always we had a wonderful time entertaining her, or should I say that she entertained us! She is soaking in everything we say or do and responds as closely to what we do as possible.

We started the night off with supper. As soon as Libby turned one, Savannah and Jason stopped the bottles and had her drink from her sippy cup. She hasn't missed the bottles, but the cup is almost as big as she is!

Libby's favorite foods are English peas, carrots, and bread. She usually eats with her fingers unless we feed her. She prefers to do it herself without help from us. This high chair was Savannah and Parker's. (I no longer have their bed which is a long story that makes me mad, so I won't tell it here.)

One of Libby's favorite birthday presents was a purse. It came complete with a mirror, car keys, and lipstick. She loves taking these items out of the purse and putting them back in. Now, any purse or bag that she sees, she tries to carry on her shoulders like Mom and Gran.

Although Gran has no car keys, etc. to put in this bag, Libby always finds something. Perhaps it is a football, rattler, or doll.

The last time Libby visited I moved my fingers around and said BZZZZZZZZZZ. Then my fingers found her tummy and tickled it. (Everyone does this to kids, right?) So, what does Libby do? She puts her fingers up and waves them in the air like Gran. She hasn't quite got the BZZZZZZ down yet, but she is trying!

Libby loves playing on our sofa. She loves running on it and falling on the soft pillows. That means Gran and Coach have to be at their best to make sure she doesn't fall.

Libby has also started learning where her nose, ears, and mouth are. Here she is showing Coach where his nose is.

There is nothing sweeter than a little girl in her monkey pajamas winding down for the night. When Libby gets tired, she just stops and goes to sleep.

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