It has been a few months since I've updated, so I'm going to take this sleepless night to catch up.
First, Dennis. While chemo and radiation are over, the after effects are in raging bloom. Both his hands and feet are numb and painful--similar to the feeling you get when they have fallen asleep and awaken with that pins and needles feeling only it lasts twenty-four hours a day. If you teach, you know how difficult this could be to work. Also, he is extremely sleepy. When he is at home, he can't stay awake, but he manages to work and coach football. And, simply put, his body hurts. There are other problems that I won't go into, but you get the picture. I've been trying to get him to go back to the Cancer Center to check his medications, but he has put it off until I threatened to go without him. So, we went last week and changed his medications, and he is doing better. Thankfully, the doctor also fussed at him for waiting so long to come back and set an appointment a few weeks down the road to follow up. We will get back to just takes time.
Second, Savannah, Jason, and Libby. For over three years, Savannah and Jason have been trying to sell their home in Coker. They came extremely close one time and were so disappointed when it fell through.One thing they've learned from this is that if you wait on God's plan for you, it will be so much better than pushing through your own plans. They saw this when they recently sold their home (papers will be signed Monday) and were able to find the home of their dreams. They had already decided that to get the space they needed they would buy an older home and update as they could. After looking and finding nothing, they came across a new builder with lots in Belle Meade, a relatively new subdivision off 69N and Mitt Lary Road and right down the road from me (:-)) and their church. They were able to get what they wanted in their price range in a new home that will be built in the next three to four months. Where will they live until it is built? Why with Gran and Coach, of course. Talk about a full nest!! I helped them pack, clean, and unpack this week, and it has been hectic. Poor Libby has been confused and a little ill at times, I think, because of this transition. But, they are all in and organized now, so hopefully things will get back to somewhat more normalcy for Libby.
Parker's Countdown: 34 days. In thirty-four days, Parker will be home for at least 6 months. During his time home, he will be making a decision to either make mission work in France his career or stay in the states and get a job. Of course, everyone knows what his family would like him to do, but we also know and understand that he will do exactly what the Lord wants him to do. We've already set up dentist, eye, and allergy doctor appointments for the first week he is home. We've worked out the phone situation; I'm buying an Iphone that will become mine if he goes back to France. (Momma has kept his Sim card in her phone so that he will have all of his numbers, and his friends will have his. She thought of that herself, and Parker was excited because he "liked" his number, and it made it easier to keep up with old friends.) Our main problem is a vehicle. Normally, someone in the family would have an extra one, but not now. We looked into leasing a car, but that would take close to $6000 for six months!!!!! So, we are wondering if it would be better to buy an older car for while he is here and sell it if he goes back. But, if he stays, we would not want to have wasted the money on an older car--see the dilemma? Now, we are thinking about just carpooling and letting him have one of our vehicles. Parker will take Libby's room when he comes home, and Libby will have to move into the room with Savannah and Jason--our nest will be running over. :-)
What fun we will have during the holidays with everyone under our roof. Yes, I know it will get hectic, but that is part of the fun! Like Savannah said, "It will be just like old times except for Jason and Libby who will make it even better."
A few pictures:
This rocking chair was my great grandmothers and was in Libby's room until more room was needed for toys. Now that she has found it at my house, she has decided that it is perfect for her, and it is.
Taking a bath a Gran's. What fun I will have helping with this! Libby's hair is getting long enough to put in pigtails, and Gran plans on doing that a few times while she is here.
Roe has always been a little jealous of Libby, but lately, the two have become fast friends. Libby will throw Roe's toy for her to retrieve and chase her around the house. Roe also looks out for Libby; if she is awake and we haven't heard her on the monitor, Roe lets us know.
Savannah and "Soach" are watching Mickey Mouse, The Backyardigans, Blues Clues, etc. "Hot Diggetty Dog"